viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2007

Días 3 - 11

Ok, it’s been a really long while since I wrote my first (and only) blog – but I’ve been busy ok? Anyways, now I’m at work so have five minutes to fill you all in on what’s been going on in the wonderful world of Buenos Aires…

So, I left you (with baited breath) last Wednesday afternoon, so this seems like the ideal place to pick up with the story. After I wrote my blog, I needed some food…it’s hungry work all this writing! Me and Liv walked round to Zapi, the local pizza place for some empinadas. Sound exotic hey? Well, sorry Argentina, I’m not going to go into details about stealing things from Great Britain and vice versa (that could lead me into all sorts of trouble), but they’re clearly mini Cornish pasties. Quite tasty though, with less gristle than your average Asda Smart Price Cornish Pasty…not knocking them mind! Wednesday evening, Liv and I went to Bar Seddon at the bottom of the road. After lots of beer, we decided it was time to give the ol’ Trapiche red wine a whirl. And give it a whirl we did…Gabriel met up with us later on in the evening – no wonder foreigners have such negative impressions of us Brits!

So anyway, woke up Thursday with sore head, and had to go in for a quick coffee with Kristie. This was fine…not a problem – till she suggested lunch. Kristie, ‘Photography’ Kate (the head of photography – from Eltham for all you homies), Liv and I went to a vegetarian/organic restaurant around the corner from work. I had burgers of some vegetarian/organic description with salad – although very nice, I was hungover and very much in need of a large Big Mac meal with Coke. Anyways, I can’t remember what I did that afternoon (this was over a week ago…good job I kept notes otherwise I wouldn’t have remembered this much!) But I do remember that evening, and yes, it revolved around food! Liv and I decided to cook – student classic of chicken with loads of vegetables in sauce with pasta – all courtesy of the supermercado around the corner from the hostel. Cooking in the hostel was fine, and I had free reign of the kitchen and made my usual amount of mess whilst cooking. You know what it’s like when you’ve spent the day hungover, so I had an early night, falling asleep infront of Family Guy on my laptop…bless.

Friday daytime I don’t really remember… I do remember at 3.40pm logging MSN to find dad online. We had a quick chat…he was itching to get down the pub (as was I), so despite this being our first conversation whilst me being in BA, we kept it brief and manly…none of this “miss you” shit haha! Liv was looking round an apartment at 4pm, so I headed to Gibraltar, the local English pub to watch England play South Africa in the Rugby World Cup. I arrived and there was a crowd of people outside. Apparently, the owner was asleep and couldn’t be arsed to open the bar (information obtained by the cleaner?), so the angry (and, indeed, thirsty) English contingent outside walked up to the Irish bar, Molly Mallone’s to watch the match. Now I’m not a major rugby fan myself, but even I could tell that England were shocking, but hey ho, the beers were flowing. I was talking to two mates (Mareck and Matt) from Bristol, and a guy called Adam from Billericay. We all exchanged stories as to why we were in BA, and it turns out that Mareck’s housemate is none other than the aforementioned photography Kate. Small world huh? Anyways, Adam’s Argentine bird rocks up, Matt, Mareck and I rock on to Mareck’s, Liv rocks up to Mareck’s, you know how it is. Matt makes Pisco sours – don’t really know what they are, but it involved matt disappearing to the kitchen for about 30 mins, and rocking up with some alcoholic-tasting whisked egg whites. Matt passes out, Liv decides to go back to the hostel, Mareck and I decide to go to the German bar near his to drink more. 2.30am, we call it a night. Oh and Tom gets lost on the way home as his pocket map was really blurry for some reason. A random Argentine dude saw me struggling with my Guia “T” and very kindly gave me directions back to the hostel, where I woke up safe and sound the next morning.

Like Friday daytime, I can’t really remember much about Saturday day time – actually yes! I do! I watched Gillette Soccer Saturday in bed which isn’t bad as it sounds, bearing in mind we are 4 hours behind you! Gabriel made a fair comment, claiming that Alan McInally sounds like Fat Bastard out of Austin Powers – good spot Gabs, do we not agree? After Soccer Saturday Liv and I went for some lunch and made plans for Saturday night. We decided to try out Rey Castro’s, a bar in town. As it was Gabriel’s last night, he was going to come and meet us after dinner with his mum and sis. So we rocked on up to Rae Castro’s at 9.10pm, and they were still setting up, saying they’d be open in half an hour. So we carried on into Microcentro, the centre of BA where everything is to find another pub…and could we find a pub that was open?…could we fook! Us gringos have a lot to learn about going out…it just doesn’t happen here much before 1am! So we head back to San Telmo for a drink in Bar Seddon (15 mins in opposite direction). Thought we’d try Rey Castro again a little while after, and the bouncer tells us you have to have booked a table to get in…So back to San Telmo, where we met Gabriel and went to Bar & Co. where Liv and I went on the first night.

On Sunday morning I viewed my first flat which was ok, but a bit to south of San Telmo. i.e. more than a 10 minute walk from work haha! Sunday afternoon was weird as Liv had moved out to her place, and Gabriel had gone back to Chile. There was a power cut at the hostel which didn’t help as I had flats to be finding, and low battery on the ol’ laptop. So I found a internet café on the way into town, where I spent two hours looking for places/arranging viewings/facebooking. The weather afterwards was bitterly cold, so I went to the pub to warm up (as you do!), although I only had mineral water – and a toasted sandwich…utterly depressing on my larry haha! After that, the weather had cheered up a bit, so went for a wander around the San Telmo feria, which is a local kind of street party/market. It was amazing…lots of local artisans were selling their products on stools in the streets, and between those, just people banging drums and making music – people were just stopping in the streets and having a dance…bizarre, yet quaint! By this time, Liv had moved in and was ready for a drink, so we met up and she told me all about her new gaff.

On Monday morning, we had our first editorial team meeting which was great – it made me feel important as we sat round the big table in the office and I had a cup of tea and made notes, and came out with my usual quirky/witty comments as/when the opportunity presented itself! It was cool getting everyone together…there were 9 of us I think, and we’re kinda the main ones that run the paper. The rest of the team is made up of contributors who just submit articles etc. via e-mail, who we’ll probably never meet. We all went out for lunch afterwards as a bonding type thing, which was cool – getting to know each other etc. Spent the rest of the afternoon looking around a couple of dives and was starting to think that this was the type of place I’d have to live in and resigned myself to lowering my expectations. The last house of the day though was sooo much better than the others, and at only 750 pesos (£125) a month, all bills included, this place was the one. Nice big double room, small but comfortable living area, and an old-fashioned yet somehow clean/non-grotty bathroom and kitchen (which are off a landing which is kinda outside – people familiar with Argentine/Spanish – I think - housing may get what I mean – hard to explain). Sergio the landlord explained that there was a French guy living there already, I would have one room, and that the other two were still free. I recalled Matt from Friday night was still looking for a place. I called him to let him know and he came round on Tuesday when I moved in, and he moved in that night! I went round to Adam’s (from Molly Malone’s) place afterwards to celebrate with a few bottles of Quilmes!

Anyways, so Tuesday (before me/Matt move in) I had to go in the office at 11am. There were a few bits and pieces for the next edition of The Argentimes which needed doing. Although Liv and I, as new interns, weren’t expected to be involved in this edition, we were asked to help, doing the What’s On in BA guide, as well as the round up of funny news around world. I liked the story of the Japanese teacher who was awarded by his education authority for his services to teaching, despite being accused several times of using corporal punishment techniques on his students…those crazy Japs! One offence included throwing a chair at the volleyball team he coached…I swear Mr Walder did that to someone in maths…or was it a table? I spent all day in the office on this, then moved in to the gaff. Like I say, Matt moved in that night, so Marek and Adam came round for some celebratory beers. Fabien, our French flatmate was in, and had a few beers and a chat with us so it’s all gravy.

Yesterday was Wednesday, and wanted to get a few bits for my room. i.e. some makeshift curtains until Sergio puts some up, a throw to cover up the chair (which looks abit worse for wear, earning it the name of ‘the wank throne’ by Mareck) and another pillow…one just ain’t enough! I’ve turned into such a tight bastard (more so than usual, haha, I know) since being out here as everything’s soo cheap. I was like, “I aint paying $30 pesos (£5) for a throw”, so looked around every shop I could find, only to get my goods in the first shop I went in…what a muppet. I did food shopping in the arvo, and spent the night infront of cable tv…which, I might add, is great! Loadsa English (well, American), programmes with Spanish subtitles. I am now a fan of the following shows…American Dad, Seinfeld, MadTV, Drew Carey, Two and a Half Men, Scrubs and My Name is Earl. I was in bed and asleep by half nine – loser.

So that brings us nicely to today...I have been in the office since 10, and had the office kitten, Stan (who looks like a cow), on my lap since about 11. It’s now 5.50 (nice timing as I go at 6) and my nose is running, eyes are watering and I’m sneezing like a bitch. In terms of work, I have a press pass (ooh get me) to onedotzero, a music festival and Krisite said I should be able to interview anyone there. The most famous person is Andy Fletcher out of Depeche Mode, so I have been researching him most of the day and hopefully she can arrange an interview with him for me. Sorry it’s nobody more famous.

Thursday is my office day so you can expect to find me here every week and is a really good time to get in contact over the net…e-mail, Facebook, MSN as I’m pretty much guaranteed to be online. Anyways, better get ready to go home…Liv is coming round tonight for the grand tour. Sorry about lack of entertainingness of this blog, but I had a lot to fit in. Hope anyone who’s interested has a bit more of an insight into what life’s been like. It’s really hard when people say “what have you been up to?” as it’s hard to know where to begin. I’m thinking that this is the easiest way…comments etc. as ever are welcome, and can be posted by clicking below on this page.

Muchas Gracias por su atención amigos…besos y ciao for now. X

3 comentarios:

Marbs dijo...

Hooray for part 2!! Can't believe u went in a German pub... traitor!!!
Now, this "old fashioned" bathroom.......high chain by any chance?? And if there is, did u have a vision of me NOT panicing under pressure at the sight of said chain?
Love the name of the chair btw! "The Wank Throne" is quite possibly even out of my league for outrageous names!
Two and a Half men rocks, so I'm glad you've got into that!!! Sounds like cable is hot!!!!
And an office kitten that looks like a cow???! That's gotta be an "only in Argentina..." type thing!!!

Looking forward to part 3!!!
Love u lots xxxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown dijo...

Bloody hell mate, sounds like you're having a whale of a time! Soccer Saturday, mini Cornish pasties, a pub called Gibraltar... and you get to go to onedotzero?! Good show.

Tom dijo...

yeah, i'm going to creamfields as well! what's going on eh?

Oh and maz, no high chain!